The Changes in Autumn
Hello all!
Fall is by far my favorite season. Like springtime, Autumn is a transition period with an increase of changes in our natural world. It seems to happen so fast each year that before our senses have time to adjust, POOF; it’s gone!
2020-L42-Unger-AutumnAfternoon-7x5 / ‘Autumn Afternoon’ / Oil on Canvas / 7”x5” / Cassi Unger
Painting from life allows me to notice these seasonal changes- slowly at first, but then quite rapidly. The tree I captured was just beginning to change colors. (Though it’s hard to recognize because of the lighting.)
Here’s a closer look! It’s very very subtle. But, if I went back to the same location every week after, there would be remarkable change.
If you are able, take time to go outside and notice different changes in your own landscape. And if you’re unable, I hope that these posts can transport your mind to a few moments in nature. It helps to bring us back to the present.
Have a colorful day,