Hello all!
The painting in the last post focused on using a more limited palette. This one, however, is quite the opposite. It is an explosion of color right in my own backyard!
2020-L45-Unger-BackyardAutumnHues-11x14 / ‘Backyard Autumn Hues’ / Oil on Canvas / 11”x14” / Cassi Unger
I know a lot of artists that have to discover a piece or find inspiration by always looking elsewhere. I get in that train of thought sometimes too. However, in going back to basics (drawing anything that’s right in front of you) is much more beneficial to the creative spirit in the long run.
It’s also necessary right now, with unpredictable closures or quarantines, to maintain these types of artistic routines. The only search for inspiration you or I need right now is to look down at our two hands and work with what they can do. Yes, even if it’s finger-painting. :)
Have a colorful day,