New Year, Same Ol’ Me. :)
Hello all!
It’s been a while- five weeks to be exact. We greeted and said goodbye to the holidays, 2020, and all the little and big things in-between. This is the first year I didn’t really make any New Years resolutions. For me, it just didn't seem necessary or would’ve felt somewhat forced. Our culture often times seems fixed on us creating aspirations but downplays the importance of consistency and followthrough.
These ideas made me think about my own goals. And, like many perfectionists, I have a hard time appreciating the work I put into something. Six months ago, I made the decision to not just say I’m a full-time artist but actually make it true. With that came a huge amount of business research, this blog and shop, and many behind-the-scenes marketing actions.
I am grateful to have learned this much so far and I’m humbled to know I have still much to learn. One thing that I have reflected on recently is how I want to spend my time. We all know that there's only so many hours in the day, and, when I'm working, I want to make the most of them. One thing that I've decided is to continue this blog once a week rather than twice. I want to give you my full attention and not rush through something that is to be cared for. The other thing is to devote more time to painting. To create more is to discover more. And this leads to more balance overall.
With this said, this months blog posts will be about the 31 day Strada challenge I'm participating in (you can check it out on their Instagram. This is my little push to consistency. I'll post some pictures and process of paintings I've worked on throughout the week. Within this post are some of my process throughout the week!
Thanks for coming along with me and have a colorful day!