Through Wind And Rain

Hello all!

I read recently that the Romance Painter, William Turner, tied himself to the mast of a ship during a storm. Whether or not this tale is true; it is the essence (to the extreme) of observing the elements in their purest forms. It’s not just watching, but observing for a better understanding.

2020-L46-Unger-PresqueIsleWind-5x7  /  ‘Presque Isle Wind’  /  Oil on Canvas  /  5”x7”  /  Cassi Unger

2020-L46-Unger-PresqueIsleWind-5x7 / ‘Presque Isle Wind’ / Oil on Canvas / 5”x7” / Cassi Unger

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This is as close as I get to Turner’s approach- standing on the beach observing the wind and rain. It gives me a thrill to witness weather like this. I do not run (or at least run well), but I expect this feeling is similar to a runner’s high.

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So completely immersed in the moment (and rain). Note to remember better rain gear next time. :)

Have a colorful day,





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Windy Day ON the Bay